Life's Ups and Downs

Wednesday, October 12, 2005

The Mother Murder

This is what I looked like after getting off the phone with my mother a few minutes ago. Here's the conversation that led me to planning her most painful murder.

A - Called to tell you about my anniversary.
M - That's sounds great, honey. So, 3 years? Isn't it about time to get married and start a family.
A - We have no plans of doing either right now, mom.
M - But you'd have such a beautiful little girl and I have a name picked out for you.
A - What? How can you have a name picked out for my child that hasn't even been conceived?
M - Well, blah blah blah ramble ramble ramble.
At this point, I completely tuned her out until she said, "I guess the next time I come over I'm going to have to hide your birth control.
A - Mother, you stay away from my birth control and besides, I use so much birth control, you'd never find it all. (Can we say paranoid about getting pg? If I ended up pregnant, it would be a freaking miracle child, almost a second coming considering the lengths I go to so I can avoid getting pregnant.)
M - Now Angie, I hate being called Angie, you aren't getting any younger blah blah blah more rambling.

I finally had to get off the phone because I could feel my blood pressure rising. If I could have reached through the phone and ripped her tongue out of her mouth with a pair of needle-nose pliers, I would have done it. Why is it that mothers can drive daughters so completely insane? I love her to death and would throw myself in front of a bus for her, but my goodness, she freaking drives me CRAZY!!

Happy Wednesday!


Blogger Lindsey said...

My mother is a freakin' lunatic as well. I can't believe she said she'd have to hide your birthcontrol. OMG! She has got some serious issues and she needs to get off your back. My mom and Grandmother are the same with me and I swear, if I hear "Well, you're not getting any younger..." one more time...there will be hell to pay.

5:44 PM  
Blogger EssentialStephen said...

Agghh the pains of parents...for me it's my dad who makes it known that anything I do that is different from HIS opinion or plan for my life is off the track and he makes it a point to try and put me on the right path which really just means HIS path....aggghhh

9:13 AM  
Blogger lookingbusy said...

My mother used to want me to call her at least once a week. Uggh!


Now that I am, my wife calls my mother at least once a week and everybody is happy, especially me. :)

1:06 PM  
Blogger Becky L said...

yeah, for the GRANDPARENT its all fun and games.

but YOU'RE the one taking care of the baby ALL DAY LONG!

if you dont want that for right now, then by ALL means keep using the birthcontrol!

9:56 PM  

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