Life's Ups and Downs

Sunday, November 25, 2007

Thanksgiving .... Family and Fun

This is my beautiful niece, Taylor, and I on Thanksgiving day. About 5 minutes after this picture was taken, it started snowing outside. It wasn't cold enough for the snow to stick but it was wet enough for my hair to completely frizz, negating the hour of straightening that I had done earlier in the day. Awesome!

Thanksgiving was good this year. My family had waaaaaaaay too much food and I took home a ton of leftovers. So good!

Friday was our annual family shopping spree. We met at my aunt's house at 3:15 a.m. to hit Kohl's when it opened at 4 a.m. It was pure craziness! After Kohl's was Wal-Mart at 5 a.m. and Target at 6 a.m. Everybody got the bargains that they wanted, partly because the teenagers in my family are the "runners" and dash back and forth faster than us old folks can. The rest of us had specific areas to cover. It's a science in my family! I totally scored with a DVD Camcorder for under $200, a digital frame for under $50, and a 37 inch LCD HDTV for $500. I'm not sure why I bought that because the last thing I need is another television. I think it will be going back to the store. I also got my 450 threadcount sheets for under $30 and, oh yeah, I only have 3 Christmas presents left to buy. Woo hoo!

I hope you all had a fantastic holiday and long weekend with your family.

Happy Sunday!

Monday, November 12, 2007

Monday ... So Not a Fun Day

I know that I should be grateful that I have a decent paying job but, man oh man, I HATE Mondays! It also doesn't help that the weekend seemed to speed by like a freight train .... whoosh, there it was and then whoosh .... it was gone. Today was full of irritating clients, meetings, calls, and to top if off .... Office Perv was at his finest.

Can someone please explain to me where a grown man gets the idea that it is all right to walk up behind a co-worker, grab a handful of her hair, and smell it? I mean, seriously!!!!!

Hope your week started off better than mine.

Monday, November 05, 2007

Halloween Happenings

Halloween is my favorite holiday of the year. Love it! Love it! Love it! The festivities this year started with my friend's annual "Best Little Wh*rehouse in Texas" costume party. It was a blast with lots of good food, a dj for dancing, games, and all the jello-shots a girl could need. Everyone tried to outdo everyone else for the craziest costume but I think I did pretty well this year as a pre-op transexual. Yes, one of those $1200 toys really came in handy!

On Halloween night, my boy and I made our annual pot of chilli and had my little brother and his girlfriend, my girls, and some of my boy's work friends over. Usually, we carve pumpkins. This year we did not but we did drink some very good dirty martinis (my boy made those) and some very bad orange-gasms (I made those) and lots of beer. We also handed out candy to the little tots but were sad that there were so few this year. We have a Halloween rule at our house. If you are a teenager or not in costume, you have to sing for your candy. We had the cutest group of 5 high school girls sing their entire school fight song for us. It was really fun and we gave them huge handfuls of candy ... the good stuff too! LOL!
My boy hid in one of our front yard trees to jump out and scare people, they weren't, and we also did the liquid Tide scary messages on the front of the house lit up with a blacklight. Very cool. Lots of spooky candles too. All in all, it was a blast!

Oh yeah, and don't forget the doggies. They took a picture with mom in her Tippi Hedren from The Birds costume in their own festive outfits. Rusty was the dog from Our Gang, Spegonza was our little soldier, and Knickers was a hula dancer. Aren't they cute?!

One of my favorite pictures of the night might be me and my friend T, her in the deviled egg, and me in my birds costume shrieking in terror... because of the birds. We couldn't figure out why A was laughing so hard while taking the picture but figured it out when we saw the pic and my little brother was behind us. Doesn't sound too funny. Guess you had to be there

Happy Monday!