Office Antics
Things that made me happy today .....
I left the office at lunch to work from home using mysterious "female ailment" excuse. Was surprised at how easy this was and how not guilty I feel.
Saran wrapped lazy co-worker's desk while they were out sick. The best part is that I saran wrapped lazy co-worker's scissors, placed them in a file drawer, and saran wrapped the drawer shut. Can't wait to see the reaction tomorrow! New boss found this very humorous.

Took blogger friends' advice. When Office Perv (not Tech Boy) came from behind, put his arms around me, and began smelling my hair again, what is up with that?!!, I dug my 3 inch heel into the top of his foot and said with a smile on my face, "I don't like you touching me and if you do it again, my foot will connect with a more sensitive part of your anatomy." Office Perv let go and limped away. I smiled.
And finally, I set up a kiddie plastic bowling kit and declared it was time for "three minutes of fun" in my department. Everyone stopped working to have a go.
I hope you are having a great week. My best friend's 4th of July bash is this Saturday. I sure hope it stops raining in time.
Happy Thursday!