I have been given the Inspirational Blogger Award from
justawriter for the
My Soldier post that I wrote. She has informed me that I need to pass this award on to 5 bloggers that I find inspirational. There are quite a few of you that I read and find wonderful for many different reasons so it's going to be hard to pick just 5. Please don't feel left out if I don't include you in this list. If I'm commenting on your blog, I think you are fantastic!
Here are my 5 selections in no particular order:
Mrs. D - I have known this woman since my early 20's. We used to do shows together, she drove me to the courthouse (through downtown Ft. Worth after a tornado ripped apart the city and all the roads were blocked) so that I could file my divorce papers, and she is one of the most beautiful people I know, inside and out. She actually got me started blogging! Mrs. D's blog started because she and her hubby were having infertility issues. She still blogs about that but also writes about her life in general. She's a talented writer and she has an interesting life.
Lindsey - I love Lindsey's blog! She is one of the first that I started reading. Lindsey writes beautiful posts, full of emotion and heart. She's also the one that got me started with
Soldier's Angels, one of the most fantastic organizations on the planet!
Backwards Ande - I met this lovely lady on my recent South Dakota trip. She is married to someone that will always have a special place in my heart. I spent quite a bit of time during my trip with their family and she was gracious enough to make me feel welcome when any other female would probably have been a complete and total jealous witch. Backwards Ande and I are becoming very good friends and have been blowing up the internet with the mass e-mails that we send each other. She's the only person I've met that can keep up with me in that department! She is a busy mom of 2, wife, and new blogger. Her posts are always full of fun family stuff and great pictures. I adore her and you will too!
Tree - This guy is busy! He's got an online science fiction story blog and the picture blog that this post links to. Tree is really, REALLY funny and always leaves comments that make me smile! You gotta love a quick witted man!!
Get Off My Lawn - I am a reasonably recent reader of this blog but I enjoy it, never a dull post. Get Off My Lawn recently posted about attending community events and actually inspired me to go to an audition for the first time in a couple of years. I had forgotten how much I enjoy being on stage so I thank him for that. I'll be sure to let him, and you, know if I get cast!
So, these are a few of my favorite bloggers. There are so many more that I read and totally enjoy. I wish I could figure out how to add a list of them to my blog but for the life of me, I can't!
OneHung has promised to walk me through it if I e-mail him so I may take him up on that.
Happy Wednesday!