Flying Monkeys - My Posse!
I have officially made the broomstick my personal mode of transportation. When you hear your name and the song "Witchy Woman" pops into your head, it's time to acknowledge the fact that you are no longer the reasonably sane, if a bit quirky, individual that you used to be and should now be traveling with your own group of flying monkeys!
Yes, I fully admit that I have been working too many hours with too little appreciation and my personality has undergone a DRASTIC change. I don't think, at least to my knowledge, that I have ever been referred to as an out and out bitch but lately, I think I deserve that title and more.
I caught myself this weekend snapping at my boy for absolutely no reason and you've all heard about my meltdown with Tech Boy. I swear, I hear some of the things I'm saying as they come out of my mouth but I am completely powerless to stop them.
I have made a promise to myself that I will be nicer to those around me, even if I am wishing inside that a pack of Tickle Me Elmos would violently attack them, and I will keep a smile on my face even if the sound of someone's voice, namely Tech Boy's, makes me want to squirt liquid paper in my ears to drown out the sound.
I vow I will be nicer if it kills me and, quite frankly, it just might!!
Happy Monday!